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Monday, 26 November 2012

Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC launch trailer

The newest single-player DLC for Mass Effect 3 launches tomorrow on Xbox and Wednesday on PS3 and what better way to make people forget about the game's original ending then to wow people with a new story heavy trailer.

The story line of Omega focuses on Shepard having to team up with Omega leader Aria T’Loak  to take back the station from the loveable bunch at  Cerberus. The trailer seems to feature new enemies (including a new Reaper) in what look to be four action-heavy missions.

This is the first look into the future of the Mass Effect series - being created by developers Bioware Montreal, the developer that recently announced it is working on a brand new Mass Effect Game.


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Author: admin
Tom Regan is a gaming and music obsessed guy from London who spends way, way too much time on the internet